Saturday, September 5, 2009

3 Point Spiral Piercing


A baby depends on his mother and his environment
How any person, a baby needs to :

Affect Food

Rest Shelter Care

From the moment you put a name is recognized as one of a family.
at birth - after months of being united to whether mother - the baby recognizes her heartbeat, her smell, her voice and enjoy your skin.
just born, can latch on: this is tranquiza because, after the separation which means the birth, return to union with the person most knowledgeable.
human being does not end her pregnancy in the uterus. During an extended period - its first two years - requires special care because it can not fend for itself. Therefore it is important that the rest of the family and community support and collaborate with the well-baby and mom.

A baby is part of a family values \u200b\u200b
social Guidelines
There is a baby who grows up alone. A baby born into a family belonging to a social group:

therefore influence in raising the living conditions and cultural patterns of that family. The participation of the father and siblings is very important to your happiness.

Learning to know, learning to care

That being so small - usually weighs between 3 and 3.5 kg and measuring 50 cm - hear and shakes his head following the sounds, stares for a few moments and has reference to mother's face. Expresses needs

crying, her tears may be from hunger, cold, pain, need for love and companionship.
Mom quickly learn to recognize what is in the cries of her children.
From day one, the baby feels and learn different things. It's exciting for the whole family to follow that accompany learning. It is also true that each stage of the life of a child, carries risks that can be avoided with care.

Love and health from children
In a world that once again appreciate what nature gives us, we recognize that the best food for babies is breast milk. No other milk has the nutrients essential for growth of the boys, and especially for the development of intelligence. Breast milk protects infants against the most common diseases and also is hygienic and chronic.
The bond that develops between a mother breastfeeds and his son who is breastfed is a love and health insurance for life.

Things to do with the mothers


We try to feel like a baby, working in groups with the technique of touch. First
all sit in round. And every mother's telling how he had the baby, what felt, what happened at birth and the first moments of the newborn. When the round ends, a volunteer is asked to make "baby" and sit in the center. For a few minutes (can be 2 or 3) the rest of the group revolves around the baby and talk without touching it.
The round stops and asks the group to re-turn "baby" (2 0 3 minutes). This time without words, through other displays of affection - touching, kisses, cuddles, smiles, "I have to communicate what they feel. Upon completion, the "baby" that she felt the first time and feel in the second. It makes a pooling where the whole group says different forms of showing affection to a baby and write a few sentences as a conclusion: the message will spread.

this activity can be arranged through a group work with mothers at the health center or poly-maternal, is a useful proposal to assess breastfeeding and the benefits to mother and child: is given to each mom two blank cards and a fiber or a pencil. In one of the must write a benefit card that has the baby to take the breast, and in another, a benefit that is the mother to give the breast. When the group ends, these cards are collected, and delivered two blank cards. In one of the cards, every mom should write a difficulty that can take the baby to the breast, and on the other card may have a hard time mom to give the breast.
When all finished, the cards are collected and grouped into two piles benefits and challenges. Then he read aloud the two piles of cards and discussed in groups: how to reap the benefits and how to overcome the difficulties?
Finally we summarize in a sentence or two conclusions and written a big role to make it as a message or in smaller roles to make flyers and distribute them to the breast.

A day with mom
Power assess the time you spend on a baby with a group technique can be useful to reflect on the amount of time we dedicate to baby and how to seize it.
weapon is a conversation between all participants to the activities that have a mom from the start of the day: cleaning, shopping, washing, cooking, etc.. Two volunteers are asked to make a drama act as in the day a mom. After group reflects on these questions: How much time do we have to be with the baby? How we feel when we are with our baby? Who can help make daily activities, how can we do to share these responsibilities?.
Finally, it describes between the findings and put together a sentence to share with the others.

The road to health
The management of growth and development charts used to know if our children are growing up healthy and seek solutions when it appears a problem. To achieve this we propose a technique to work in groups: is hung on a wall "EL CAMINO DE LA SALUD" (table of weight and age) and each mother brand in what part of that road is their son. Logged out of the way children are. Then, three lists are assembled from all participants to answer each of these questions: what situations to influence the child in the way?, What are the causes for the child to leave this way? What things have to do for the child back on track? We read each of the lists and draw a final conclusion. Write the conclusion of the group in a large role as MESSAGE to all moms.


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