Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stop Onions From Burning Eyes

ALBACETE, athletics, chess, volleyball, tennis and MOTORING OPENS ITS NEW PREMISES IN MAY

Distribution of federal offices from Level 1 (C. Torres)
Island Sports Institute has provided a second assignment of premises in the Estadio de Gran Canaria in May after fifteen federations on Tuesday received the keys to their new administrative premises. Hunting, athletics, chess, volleyball, tennis and auto racing are assigned their units at level one on the back of the harrow Rising.
From left to right are located in the following sizes: hunting (40.95 meters squares), athletics (41.75 m2), chess (23.87 m2), tennis (25.82 m2), volleyball (41.75 m2) and motor (40.95 m2).
The completion of refurbishment works have entered the final straight and for this reason that May was postponed to the delivery of these facilities, apart from the IID to continue managing with other bodies total distribution of the units.


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